HLAbrams Consulting
Vienna - Prague - Berlin - Munich
Philadelphia - State College - Pennsylvania, USA

Mag. Harvey L. Abrams


Services offered for
Individuals or small groups:

No minimum number of lessons or meetings.
No long term contracts are required.
Lessons or meetings can take place in your office (formal) or
over coffee in a cafe (informal)... you chose the venue.


I am now accepting appointments for
January - June, 2025

contact me via

  • English language instruction & tutoring

    Services for pupils in Gymnasium or students at the University, businessmen or businesswomen who are studying English and need additional guidance or tutoring for reading and writing skills.

  • English language conversation

    Services for students, members of the government, military and business communities who need practice or guidance before giving an oral presentation. Prepare for a speech in front of a large group with confidence that you will not be misunderstood. Practice your pronunciation and use of terminology. Even one meeting can be useful in helping you sound better. Prepare for your English language Matura exam or your English language Abitur exam.

  • Editing: Books, Doctoral Dissertations, Master's Theses, Term Papers

    I provide the service of proof-reading and editing of your writing with my explanations and suggestions. Whether it is a short paper of 4-5 pages or a 300 page dissertation - you want to make sure that your work is properly written. Publishers will require a written contract but all others "pay as you go."

  • Web site English language editing

    Make your website attractive to the English language reader, whether it is in preparation and you need final editing or you need to correct existing errors, never let the world see your mistakes. I can also provide translation assistance from German or French into English for the web.

  • Research Assistance & Advice

    I can help you do the research and gather primary sources of information in your field so that you can focus on the writing and analysis.

  • Business consultant - USA

    Let me guide your through the rules, regulations and codes when you wish to conduct business in USA. Let me help you identify the correct marketplace(s) for your business in the 50 states.

  • Legal research & consulting - Pennsylvania Courts and the United States Federal Courts

    As a researcher I serve as a "consultant" for you. I am not a lawyer (a graduate of a law school) nor am I an "attorney" (a lawyer who has passed the bar exam and can represent you in courts).

    I can conduct legal research and provide you with current case law if you are in litigation or preparing for future litigation in the Pennsylvania state courts or the United States Federal Courts. I can guide you through the Pennsylvania Code and/or the US Code when you are "stumped" or confused.

    I can teach you how to take legal action on your own, "pro se," without an expensive attorney. It can be very expensive to hire an attorney in the USA, it can cost $150 to $600 an hour. I can help you get started for much less. I can teach you how to fill out the forms, how to write legal papers -- BUT I am not permitted to do it for you!

    If you actually need an attorney who can represent you then I can help you find a qualified attorney for you in your particular situation.

    American law is divided into two areas, CIVIL and CRIMINAL law. Since the 1700's the American legal system has been based upon the British legal system in 49 states, but the Napoleonic Code is used in the state of Louisianna.

    Let me help you achieve your goal at the lowest possible expense. However you proceed it is very important that you do your research carefully and pay attention to details before you file any legal papers.

  • Appraisals for Books, Posters, Memorabilia

    My antiquarian book business since 1979 is HARVEY ABRAMS - BOOKS and I specialize in the Olympic Games, History of Sport, Physical Education and all sport subjects. I can appraise your collection, whether it is for insurance protection or a future sale, and give you a detailed, written evaluation in accordance with the tax laws of both the United States and Canada.

    As the appraiser I automatically disqualify myself from buying from you, or selling for you, the material I appraise. For ethical reasons I may have no future interest in the valuation or benefit from it. I remain "at arms length." I am paid the set fee for the appraisal which will depend upon the number of items in the collection, the time needed for researching values and any travel expenses involved. A detailed, written report is prepared with documentation in accordance with USA tax rules.

    I have been the appraiser of several important collections that were donated to university libraries and other sport related organizations including the Dr. John Lucas Track & Field Collection to USA Track & Field, the Fernand Landry Olympic Collection and the Richard W. Pound Collections, both to McGill University (Canada).

  • FEES
    Payable in either US Dollars or Euros

    Here is my fee structure and some examples:
    • You can hire me by the hour (or) for an entire day.

    • You show me your paper or dissertation to edit and I will determine your fee so you will know the cost before I start to work. A deposit of fifty percent begins the agreement. The balance is due upon completion of my work.

    • There are no additional fees added later even if I underestimated my time - the total fee is set.

    within Vienna, Austria:

    Hourly rates:
    1 hour:........ 150 euros
    4 hours:........500 euros
    8-hour Day:..900 euros

    You save a lot when you hire me for a full day!!

    Outside Vienna, Austria:
    I can travel within Europe to suit your needs especially
    to Berlin, Munich and Prague. All of western Europe can
    be booked if it fits into my schedule.

    My travel fee is 900 euros per day (8 hours) of work or consultation, PLUS
    all of my travel expenses (incuding transporation, hotel & two meals).
    I work in four hour shifts with a one hour lunch break.
    You can make the travel arrangements via train or airplane to fit
    your schedule and budget, but the return must be within the same
    calendar day before midnight to avoid being charged for a 2nd day.

    Additional days are discounted

    A one week arrangement (5 days) is discounted at 3,600 euros (20% discount) plus travel & hotel & meals.

    My usual practice is to have breakfast & dinner in the hotel restaurant,
    lunch is taken between the 4 hour sessions at my own expense.

    Longer arrangements are available by contract - please inquire.

    A Tribute to Austrian Gymnasts
    Through the Lens of a Sport Photographer

    I created this video in honor of the sport of GYMNASTICS and the gymnastic athletes from AUSTRIA.
    The photography is by Czech sports photographer Pavel R. and the music is by Rainhard Fendrich.
    This is part of the "Sport in Art" project of the International Institute for Sport History Library & Museum.
    Click on the center of the screen below to begin this 4 minute show.

    Visit the
    International Institute for Sport History
    Library & Museum


    Mag. H.L. Abrams
    BS., MAT, Ph.D/abd

    PO Box 732
    State College, PA., USA 16804

    Vienna, Austria

    Vienna meetings or lessons will NOT be at my residence.
    I travel a lot - please contact me via email.
    email: Olympicbks@aol.com

    State College, Pennsylvania

    Flag Counter
    New counter added February 18, 2022, so many visitors broke the old counter!

    Created June 8, 2016
    Updated June 10, 29, 30, 2016
    Updated July 12, 14, 2016
    Updated October 1, 2016
    Updated April 4, 2017
    Updated August 10, 2017
    Updated September 18, 2017
    Updated January 19, 2018
    Updated June 12, 2018
    Updated July 21, 2018
    Updated January 15, 2019
    Updated February 25, 2019
    Updated June 24, 2019
    Updated August 24, 2019
    Updated November 17, 2019
    Updated October 25, 2020
    Updated October 31, 2021
    Updated February 18, 2022
    Updated April 26, 2023
    Updated June 12, 2023
    Updated November 22, 2023
    Updated February 09, 2024
    Updated May 21, 2024
    Updated December 31, 2024